15 Creatively Cut Business Cards

15 Creatively Cut Business Cards

Posted by Henry Jones on Jun 12, 2009 | 23 Comments

In business card design, there are several things you can do to make a card stand out and be memorable. One of them is having the card cut in a unique way. Here are 15 business cards from Card Observer that all share this quality. You’ll notice that some have been cut to give the card a unique shape or remove certain parts of the stock, while others have been cut to allow special folding. You can find plenty of places that do business cards printing online that will do these types of cuts.
Click on the images to see more details about each card.

Bridge Photographic

Bridge Photographic



Lion in Oil

Lion in Oil

Optimum Fotography

Optimum Fotography

M. Brady Clark

M. Brady Clark



Studio Nine

Studio Nine

Betsy Hammill

Betsy Hammill

Ordered List

Ordered List



Davide Gasperini

Davide Gasperini

Ninja BTL

Ninja BTL

Fifth Floor Gallery

Fifth Floor Gallery



Orient Express

Orient Express

20 Clean White Letterpress Business Cards

20 Clean White Letterpress Business Cards

Posted by Henry Jones on Apr 2, 2010 | 25 Comments
Not too long ago I owned a site called Card Observer, which is a gallery of business card designs. Everyday I would have to look through submissions and pick out the best business cards. This was something I really enjoyed and miss doing. So I thought it would be fun to do a showcase of awesome business cards here.
For this post, I’ve rounded up a collection of 20 clean white letterpress business cardsthat will inspire you. You’ll notice that the clean and minimal approach taken with these designs conveys an overwhelming sense of quality and elegance.
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards
business cards

51 Unique Business Cards That Will Make Your Mind Explode

51 Unique Business Cards That Will Make Your Mind Explode

Posted by Simon Goble on Mar 3, 2011 | 12 Comments
Business cards are sadly often overlooked, resulting in dull and boring cards that are easily forgotten. At MOO we know business cards can give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, be unique, and say something about yourself and your brand.
But business cards needn’t be dull or boring – in this post we will take a look at the opposite end of the scale. OK – your mind might not actually explode, but we’ve collected some of the most fascinating, creative and truly unique business cards that stretch the limits of design and imagination, grabbing your attention like a dropkick to the head.
These designs may not be ‘right‘ for many brands, or indeed always work in the real world due to time or cost constraints, but they should help inspire you, and encourage you to think a little more creatively!
1. 3D Business Cards – If you work in 3D design, what better way to show off your work than with 3d glasses in your business card!
2. Jack Sparrow – Even pirates need a business card…
3. Dept Of Energy – Unique, although perhaps not for the wallet!
4. Multi Purpose
5. Hungry? – Edible business cards.
6. Brushed Steel – Smooth. Classy.
7. Last – …. .fm
8. Wooden – Ideal if you work in carpentry…
9. Torn In Half – Like your marriage.
10. Folding Cards
11. Pop-Up Cards – Cute.
12. The motherboard – Beauty in design can be found in the strangest places.
13. Dog tags – The dogs.
14. Broken Card – Hi Yah!! Karate cards.
15. Transparent
16. On Fire – Literally.
17. Cut! – This would be cool for a film company. A little fragile though?
18. Google Me – Your SEO better be good…
19. Cassette Cards – with the cassette case as the card holder? Cool.

20. Easel – Stand your cards up to stand out!
21. Pop Out Cards
22. Ninja Stars – Everyone loves a ninja.
23. Break The Ice – say hello like Chris Spooner.
24. Playing Cards – Ace. Oh, they are all jokers.
25. Comb – Very cool for hairdressers.
26. Interactive Cards
27. On A Peg?
28. Ticket Stubs
29. Like A Tramp
30. Teabags or Confetti – Just don’t get them mixed up.
31. Use Humour
32. Cat Flap
33. Fiverr – Recycled cards.
35. Saw Blades
36. Map Your Card
37. Sweet!
38. Sponge
39. X-ray – Ouch.
40. Fill Your Card – Sweet.
41. TAM Cargo Boxes
42. Plastic Cards?
43. Tiger Beer – Stunning cards.
44. Coupon Cards
45. Penny Shooter

46. Secret Agent Man
47. Nissan Skyline

48. Another Blooming Designer
49. Beaten, Unbeaten
50. Model Aircraft

51. Emerson Taymor – Who? Well, you won’t forget with this card.

About the Author

This post was written by Simon Goble on behalf of moo.com. MOO love to print, offering custom double sided Business Cards, unique MiniCards, Postcards, StickerBooks, Greeting Cards and more. You can visit their site at moo.com or follow them on Twitter @overheardatmoo.