Circle or Dot by Giha Woo

Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
No more searching around for a pencil sharpener in the bottoms of pen pots or backs of drawers: this waste-paper bin by Korean designer Giha Woo has a sharpener in the lid so it’s waiting right where you need to use it.
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
Called Circle or Dot, the trash can has a large circular aperture in the top for normal waste and a tiny hole (or dot) to push pencils into the sharpener, so the shavings fall directly into the bin below.
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
Woo’s design also allows you to conserve your efforts for more essential work in the studio by honing your pencils with just one hand.
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
It might prevent colleagues walking off with your pencil sharpener too, unless it’s the sort of office where your whole bin tends to go missing and mysteriously reappear beside another desk, in which case you’re robbed of two items in one fell swoop.
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
Circle or Dot by Giha Woo
Here are some more details from the designer: