Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen

Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
New York architect Stan Allen constructed this pavilion of bamboo scaffolding at a former airport in Taichung, Taiwan.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Top and above: photographs are by Wei-Ming Yuan
The temporary Infobox structure displays masterplan proposals by the architect to redevelop the 240-hectare site.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Above: photograph is by Wei-Ming Yuan
Drawings, models and projected animations are displayed on the ground floor of the pavilion, while a first-floor balcony offers a view of the progressing construction.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
The gridded scaffolding is composed entirely of bamboo sticks, which are tied together with metal wire.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
The bamboo structure will be completely recycled when the pavilion is eventually dismantled.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Another former airport recently hosted an international design fair – you can watch a movie about that event here.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Other bamboo structures featured on Dezeen include a nest-like den and a woven lattice restaurant ceiling, both in China.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Photography is by Iwan Baan, apart where otherwise stated.
Taichung Infobox by Stan Allen
Above: photograph is by Wei-Ming Yuan
Here’s some further explanation from Stan Allen Architects: